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A suicide bomber kills at least 25 at a training academy in Somalia’s capital, an army officer says

3 min read

A suicide bomber on Monday targeted a military training academy in Somalia, killing 25 soldiers in the capital of Mogadishu, a senior army officer said.

Al-Qaida’s affiliate in East Africa, the Somalia-based al-Shabab, claimed responsibility for the attack In a statement via Telegram Messenger, the group claimed that one of its suicide bombers targeted the troops. Al-Shabab claimed the explosion killed 73 soldiers and injured 124 others, a figure that has not been independently verified.

The bomber was wearing a military uniform, according to the officer.

It is not clear how the bomber managed to enter one of the most secure military bases in the capital.

Many of the soldiers belong to the 14th October Brigade, created in commemoration for the victims of the single deadliest terrorist attack in Africa at Mogadishu’s Zobe junction, which killed nearly 600 people on October 14, 2017.

The officer said more than 40 others were wounded in the bombing at the Jalle Siyad military academy, said the officer. He only his first name, Abdullahi, because he was not authorized to speak publicly. There was no immediate statement from Somali authorities.

Al-Shabab controls parts of rural Somalia and often targets high-profile areas of the capital.

Somali authorities launched a new offensive against al-Shabab last year to try to recapture extremist-held territory and dismantle the taxation and broader financial network that funds the fighters.

Somalia’s military is under growing pressure to assume responsibility for the Horn of Africa country’s security as a multinational African Union force slowly draws down. Partners including the United States, the European Union and Turkey help to train Somali forces.

Bahrain, Türkiye and United Arab Emirates condemns military academy suicide bombing in Somalia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses the Kingdom’s utmost condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and to the Somali government

The Kingdom of Bahrain condemns the suicide bombing that targeted the Gali Siad Military Academy in Mogadishu, Federal Republic of Somalia, which resulted in the death and injury of a number of military staff.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses the Kingdom’s utmost condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and to the Somali government, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

The Ministry further affirms Bahrain’s solidarity with Somalia, renewing Bahrain’s unequivocal position rejecting all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism and calling for concerted international efforts to combat this dangerous scourge.

We are deeply saddened to learn that Somali National Army personnel lost their lives and were injured due to a terrorist attack today (24 July) targeting a military training base in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Türkiye will continue to stand by friendly and brotherly Somalia in its fight against terrorism. We condemn this heinous terrorist attack in strongest terms, wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives, extend our condolences to their relatives as well as to the friendly and brotherly people and Government of Somalia, and wish speedy recovery to the injured. Türkiye will continue to stand by friendly and brotherly Somalia in its fight against terrorism.

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