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Muslim countries condemn Quran burning in Sweden

7 min read

The burning of a Quran outside a mosque in Sweden on one of the holiest days in Islam sparked outrage Thursday in many Muslim countries and widespread condemnations of the Swedish authorities.

In Iraq, several hundred people protested outside the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad at the urging of Muqtada al-Sadr, a populist cleric who called on the Iraqi government to break off diplomatic relations with Sweden, which he called “hostile” to Islam.

The crowd became increasingly angry, scaling the wall surrounding the compound and pushing through an external gate. There was no sign that Iraqi diplomatic police forces attempted to stop them. The protesters did not enter the embassy itself, which was closed for the Islamic holiday, and eventually left. Mr. Sadr called for larger protests after prayers on Friday.

Iraq’s foreign ministry also condemned Sweden “for allowing an extremist to burn a copy of the holy Quran.”

In the incident in Stockholm on Wednesday, two men, watched by a crowd of people, tore pages out of a Quran and burned them outside a mosque.

In an application for the permit, one of the men, Salwan Momika, identified by Swedish media as an Iraqi immigrant living in Sweden, said he wanted to express his opinion about the Quran by tearing it up and burning it. The police had granted a permit for the demonstration after a Swedish court ruled that banning it would impinge on the right to freedom of speech.

However, the permit says that demonstrators are not allowed to burn objects in Stockholm.

The timing of the burning of Islam’s holy book, during the important Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, further angered and pained Muslims in many countries, who were celebrating the holiday, which honors the end of the hajj pilgrimage.

MOROCCO: Burning of the Holy Quran: On Very High Instructions from HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Sweden’s Chargé d’Affaires in Rabat Summoned, HM the King’s Ambassador in Stockholm Recalled for Consultations

On the very High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Kingdom of Sweden in Rabat was summoned this Wednesday to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, and the Ambassador of His Majesty the King to Sweden was recalled to the Kingdom for indefinite consultations, after the Swedish government once again authorized a demonstration on the same day during which the Holy Quran was burned in front of a mosque in Stockholm.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates stated that during the summons, the Swedish diplomat was informed of the Kingdom of Morocco’s “most vigorous condemnation of this offense and rejection of this unacceptable act.”

“This new offensive and irresponsible act disregards the feelings of more than a billion Muslims during this sacred period of the great pilgrimage to Mecca and the blessed feast of Eid Al-Adha,” the statement stressed.

“Regardless of the political positions or differences that may exist between countries, the Kingdom considers it unacceptable that the faith of Muslims should be disrespected in this way, nor can the principles of tolerance and the values of universalism be reduced to accommodating the views of a few while showing so little regard for the beliefs of more than a billion Muslims,” the statement added.

IRAN: Iran summons Swedish envoy over sacrilege of Holy Qur’an

The Swedish ambassador in Tehran was summoned by Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani, and the the Islamic Republic’s strong protest was conveyed to him over the sacrilege of the Holy Quran in the European country.

“We strongly condemn the repeated desecration of the Holy Quran and Islamic sanctities in Sweden, and we hold the Swedish government fully responsible for the consequences of inciting the feelings of Muslims around the world,” Kanaani said.

“Continuing to desecrate Islamic holy places and spreading hatred in this way is considered a perfect example of organized violence and a hostile action against the world’s two billion Muslim population, God-believing people and followers of the heavenly religions,” he added.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has denounced the repeated desecration of the holy Quran in Sweden as he slams the Swedish government for allowing insults against the sacred values of Muslims.

Amirabdollahian wrote in a Twitter post in Farsi late on Thursday said that there is no place for the desecration of beliefs and holy books in any divine religion.

Iran, along with other Islamic countries and believers in the holy books, is ready for coordinated deterrent actions, he added.

Türkiye Condemns the Desecration of a Copy of the Holy Quran in Sweden

Türkiye condemned the desecration of a copy of the Holy Quran in the Kingdom of Sweden yesterday, urging Sweden to take action against this type of hate crime.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry cited in a statement issued today the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution, which was adopted on July 12, 2023, following the burning of a copy of the Qur’an in Stockholm on June 28, describing the attack on the Qur’an as religious hatred.

“We expect Sweden to take deterrent measures to prevent this hate crime against Islam within the framework of its international responsibilities, especially its obligations in the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe,” the statement added.

SAUDI ARABIA: Foreign Ministry: Saudi Arabia Denounces Swedish Authorities’ Irresponsible Behavior, Repeated Permission to Extremists to Burn Copies of Holy Quran

Riyadh, July 21, 2023, SPA – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed, in the strongest terms, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s condemnation and denunciation of the official permission Swedish authorities have repeatedly granted extremists that allow them to burn copies of the Holy Quran, describing the move as irresponsible behavior and disgraceful acts provoking the feelings of Muslims around the world.

The ministry said it will summon the Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Sweden to Riyadh to give him an objection note which carries the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s demand from the Swedish authorities to take immediate measures to halt such disgraceful acts that violate the principles of all faiths, international laws, and protocols, and also the Kingdom’s complete rejection of all acts that ignite hatred among peoples and religions.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): OIC Secretary-General Condemns Another Provocative Act of Desecration of a Copy of Holy Qur’an in Stockholm, Sweden, Express Disappointment at the Continued Issuance of Permissions by Swedish Authorities

The Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), H.E. Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, condemned in the strongest term, another provocative act of desecration of a copy of the Holy Quran that took place, today, 20 July 2023, in front of the Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm. He expressed deep disappointment that the Swedish authorities continued to issue permissions, despite the alarming consequences of the despicable act of desecration.

The Secretary-General recalls the content of the Final Communiqué issued by the OIC Executive Committee at its extraordinary meeting, held on 02 July 2023. It stated that such provocations are contrary to the spirit of Articles (19) and (20) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and cannot be justified under the right to freedom of expression or opinion. It further stated that the right to freedom of expression and opinion carries responsibilities under international law, which clearly prohibits any incitement to religious hatred, intolerance, and discrimination. The Secretary-General also recalled the content of the resolution on “Countering religious hatred constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”, adopted recently by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The OIC Secretary-General stressed the need to comply with the international law and urged the Swedish authorities to stop issuing permissions for extremist groups and individuals in order to prevent the recurrence of such serious provocative actions. He also urged the Swedish Government to take necessary measures as to avoid escalation and further repercussions.

The OIC Secretary-General, H.E. Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, is holding consultations with Member States regarding the implementation of the Final Communiqué issued by the OIC Executive Committee at its extraordinary meeting, held on 02 July 2023 and the consideration of further measures to contain such provocative acts.

Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council: GCC Secretary-General Condemns Desecration of Another Copy of Holy Quran in Sweden

Riyadh, Jul 21, 2023, SPA — Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Arab States, Jassim Mohammed Albudaiwi, expressed his strong condemnation and denunciation of the continued provocations against Muslims, and the desecration of another copy of the Noble Qur’an in the Swedish capital Stockholm today.

He stressed that these disgraceful and unacceptable acts provoke the feelings of Muslims all over the world, and that the Swedish authorities must take immediate and serious action to stop these behaviors and hold extremists accountable, stressing that these heinous, incitement and contrary to the principles of tolerance and freedom of religion are indicative of hatred, hatred and extremism.

Albudaiwi also referred to the emergency session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which was convened last week, and the decision issued by it to condemn acts of religious hatred, which also condemned the previous incident of burning the Holy Qur’an in Sweden, to the necessity of activating it, uniting and moving all countries and international organizations, to prevent these irresponsible acts and address them by all legal means, in accordance with international laws, treaties and norms that protect and preserve religions.


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